Inclusion at The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy for Boys
At The Sheikh Private Academy for Boys (SZPAB), we believe in providing the best possible education for students of all abilities and are committed to giving all of our students every opportunity to achieve the highest standards. We plan our teaching and learning so that each student can aspire to the highest level of personal achievement. We ensure that adjustments are made to the curriculum and provision to meet the particular needs of each identified student.
The Sheikh Zayed Private Academy for Boys aims to:
? To ensure that all students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum
? To provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to the individuals needs and ability
? To ensure the rapid and effective identification of all students requiring additional provision as early as possible on entry to SPAB
? To ensure that students take as full a part as possible in all SPAB activities
? To ensure that parents/carers of students are kept fully informed of their childs progress and attainment
? To ensure that students are as involved as much as possible, in decisions affecting their future SEN provision.
A student is classified as a Student of Determination if he or she has a special education need diagnosed by a qualified clinician.
SZPAB understands the importance of a students special educational needs being identified as early as possible so that the appropriate provision can be put in place. Students can be referred to the Inclusion Department on entry or at any point during their education at SPZAB.
On Entry / Application to SZPAB
On application to the school, the following measures are used to help assess the level of individual need and to ensure that appropriate provision can be made for each student.
- Parents/Carers are asked to disclose any special educational need that has been previously identified.
- Each students application needs to be accompanied by previous academic reports, transfer certificates and any previous medical/psychological assessments that are relevant to the application including previous Provision Plans and Individual Education Plans.
- Before entry to Kindergarten, students are invited to a stay and play session and observed by staff and discussions with parents take place during the session.
If any of these measures indicate that the student may have an additional need, the application is referred to the Head of Inclusion for additional consideration.
Identification of Enrolled Students
For students already enrolled at SZPAB, the following is taken into consideration:
- Data gathered from the SZPAB Standardized Tests. These tests will include entrance assessments alongside other standardized tests. Students with a low score in any of these tests will be referred to the Inclusion Team for further assessment, support and identification if needed.
- Benchmark testing - all students undergo benchmark testing. Students working significantly below age related norms may be referred to the Inclusion Team if the class (or specialist) teacher is concerned that this is related to a specific or general need.
- On-going Assessments - Regular testing and analysis of work samples will assess progress. Students struggling to make expected progress may be referred to the Inclusion Team if the class or specialist teachers are concerned that this is related to a specific or general need.
- Specific concerns - a student may be referred by teachers or parents if specific concerns are raised that the Inclusion Team may be able to address.
Once a referral has been made, the student will be assessed by a member of the Inclusion Team to ascertain their needs. The assessment may comprise of several different elements, but is likely to include;
- Seeking the viewpoint of the student
- Seeking and coordinating feedback from teachers across the curriculum to identify common difficulties and/or strategies that have proved effective with this student
- Discussions with parents on historical and current difficulties the student may be experiencing and seeking parental consent to complete in-school assessments to assertion the students current level.
- Informal Assessments
- Standardized tests to assess current levels
- Observations and advice from internal or external specialist staff
It may be appropriate to seek advice from external agencies that could help give a clearer picture of the students needs. This may include a request for a full educational assessment from a suitably qualified professional.
Once the assessment has been completed, the Inclusion Lead will collate and assess the information to decide if further action needs to be taken. If the student is considered to have a need that necessitates additional provision, in or out of the classroom, the Inclusion Lead will meet with the student, parents and associated professionals as appropriate to plan for provision.
Categories of Disabilities / Special Education Need
In line with the UAE Ministry of Education, we recognize the following categories of Disabilities/ Special Educational Needs: