Elementary Grades 2 - 5

SZPAG curriculum is a blend of the Massachusetts Common Core standards with the MoE Arabic Curriculum. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum including social studies, art, PE and music. Our pedagogical approach is shaped by combining best practices and the most up-to-date research, with programs that have been tried and tested in successfully supporting students' development and growth. 

Programs that we have successfully integrated into our common core curriculum include ‘Talk for Writing’, ‘Dimensions Math’ and the ‘Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)’. We also use the Shape America Physical Education Program.

Talk for Writing

Talk for Writing offers a structured method for oral language development and storytelling. By combining these approaches, we create a powerful writing program that promotes creativity, critical thinking and effective communication. Through Talk for Writing, your child will gain confidence in expressing ideas orally and transferring them to the written form. 

Dimensions Math

To support the teaching of Westford Benchmarks, we have implemented Singapore Dimensions Math. Using Singapore Math has provided a valuable resource, guiding our curriculum and ensuring a comprehensive and rigorous learning experience for the students. The Dimensions Math program allows us to provide the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) approach. This method empowers students to develop a strong foundation in math by first engaging with concrete materials, then transitioning to pictorial representations and finally progressing to abstract concepts.

Next generation Science Standards 

Our science program empowers students to explore the world around them, ask questions, make observations and develop critical thinking skills. Students will delve into three key dimensions of science learning: disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts as well as science and engineering practices. In our classrooms, students become scientists as they engage in inquiry-based investigations, collaborative group work and exciting experiments. We believe in the power of integrating science with other disciplines, allowing students to make connections between science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM). Our students have opportunities to engage in hands-on engineering challenges, explore real-world applications of scientific concepts and embrace the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific exploration. 

Wellbeing and Pastoral support 

Children in the elementary school are supported by their Homeroom teacher and also have access to the school counselor should they require this support.